Hole-In One Policy

For those members who achieve that elusive Hole-In-One, here is what you are eligible to receive:

  1. Once finished your round, have a team members attest (sign) your score card confirming the Hole-In-One and bring your score card into the Pro Shop.
  2. The Pro Shop will record your name, date, hole # and course played. This information will be published in local newspaper and engraved on the Club’s Hole-In-One plaque, located in the lobby of the Club House.
  3. The Pro Shop will also provide:
    1. an award, subject to change annually, and chosen by the General Manager, and
    2. a Hole-In-One certificate from the Club which must be signed and dated the Pro Shop and is only valid on the day of your hole-in-one. The certificate may be spent on either food and/or drinks (alcohol included) at the Springs Grill restaurant.
  4. The certificate is valid to a maximum of $100 including GST plus the Club will pay an additional 18% gratuity. Example:   $95 food and beverage bill + $5 GST + $18 gratuity = $118.
  5. You must supply the server with the signed certificate when placing your order for food and/or drinks (alcohol included).
  6. To further celebrate the event, the player will be invited to the Club’s fall celebration and wind-up event, held annually at the end of September, where the Board will sponsor the cost of the member’s meal.
  7. This policy applies to all members, associate members and limited partners.

2024 Hole-In One Winners

May 15 2024 - Elbow 3, Par 4 - Thomas Little Morris, 

June 3rd, 2024 - Mountain 3  - Grace Park,

June 9th, 2024 - Elbow 4 - Bob Mayes,

June 19th, 2024 -  Mountain 3 -  Jung Hee Lee

June 20th, 2024 - Springs 7  - Hugh Gardner